Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hi everyone, it's been awhile! I apologize for the delay in posts, but now I'm back.

I went to the ABC Gathering in Kincardine, Ontario this year. Great show, it includes Airplanes, Bikes, and Cars (hence ABC). This year they had a Supermarine Spitfire Mark IX, North American B25-J Mitchell, North American Harvard, Sopwith Strutter, and a Fokker DR.1 for the airplanes. The bikes (motorcycles) and cars are put on display by various attendees. I heard that one couple drove their bikes all the way from British Columbia to attend! Pretty amazing.

I've included several shots below which is but a small sample of what I actually took that day. It was a beautiful day with early morning clouds and then blue sky for the rest of the day. Ducati was also in attendance with a sample of their motorcycle line. And there were a couple of pilots from WWII that spoke to the crowd.

Here is a nose shot of the B25 Mitchell. This was my favourite image of this plane showing the intimate details of the front guns.

The Spitfire was really cool. And I loved the Mickey Mouse detail on the side. The one pilot that spoke flew the Spitfire in WWII. I also met someone I knew at the show and found out during the discussion that he was a mechanic in WWII and he had a picture of himself on a Spitfire from the war. He had an opportunity to talk to the pilot and share some stories.

The next two planes were from WWI, the Sopwith Camel and the Fokker DR 1. Due to weather delays, they ended up flying in around noon so the crowd got to see them fly in.

The next images are of the Harvard.

Finally, a couple of images of the cars and bikes. If you note in the bike picture, there are what looks to be hockey pucks under the kickstands. Well, they are! One of the organizers, a guy I know well, sells these modified pucks. You can check them out and order them at http://www.parkingpuck.com/. Pretty cool idea....


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