Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Macro Magic

Today had great conditions for some macro photography with the exception of a little breeze. Patience is important to wait for a lull in the breeze before firing off some frames. It was Canada Day today and I had the day off, so I grabbed the camera and went out this morning for a couple of hours. It rained last night and everything was still wet.

All images were taken with a 70-200mm/f2.8 with a 25mm extension tube and 1.4x teleconverter. A tripod is also highly recommended (used in all images) due to the shallow depth of field and also since any movement is extremely exaggerated. I also used a remote shutter release to minimize any movement during shutter release.

The first subjects I came across were some snails. They were everywhere! Here are three of the images.

I also took a couple flower images of a Daisy (including a friend in the first three following images) and one (last of three) of a Bird's Foot Trefoil (Lotus Corniculatius).

And finally, as I was heading back to the car, I noticed a bee sitting under a leaf. It appears it was drying off or still in hiding from the rain. I took an image from a bit of a distance (first of two) before getting in tight in case it flew away. For the last image below, I was probably about 6-8 inches from the bee.


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